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J. M. Beach

Beach is the founder and Director of 21st Century Literacy.

Beach has advanced degrees in the fields of English, History, Philosophy, and Education, and he is finishing up a MBA. Beach in an entrepreneur, an investor, a writer, and an educator. He was a lecturer in higher education for over 20 years in the U.S., South Korea, and China.

Beach is a member of the American Educational Research Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Beach's scholarly research focuses on the philosophy of knowledge, the science of culture and society, the history and philosophy of education, and the cultural significance of literature.

Beach has two new books: Can We Measure What Matters Most? Why Educational Accountability Metrics Lower Student Learning and Demoralize Teachers and The Myths of Measurement and Meritocracy: Why Accountability Metrics in Higher Education are Unfair and Increase Inequality. They will be released this year.

Some of Beach’s previous books include Can We Measure What Matters Most? Why Educational Accountability Metrics Lower Student Learning and Demoralize Teachers (2021), The Myths of Measurement and Meritocracy: Why Accountability Metrics in Higher Education Are Unfair and Increase Inequality (2021), How Do You Know? The Epistemological Foundations of 21st Century Literacy (2018), Gateway to Opportunity? A History of the Community College in the United States (2011), Children Dying Inside: Education in South Korea (2011), and Studies in Poetry: The Visionary (2004).

For more information, visit the author’s website at